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dan3.jpg (9821 bytes) This photo of Dan Hayward was taken after the cruise of 1965.  In Feb. of 2000 we found Dan in Oregon.
carpenter01.png, 83*60 Hong Kong - Jose Moreno, Roger Albritton, O'Shea
carpenter02.jpg, 100*71 Hong Kong - Rudy Trevino - RMSN, Jim Spicer - RM3
carpenter03.jpg, 100*70 High-line transfer fromm USS Coontz, DLG9
carpenter04.jpg, 100*72 Refueling from tanker while tanker refueling from civilian ship.
carpenter05.jpg, 70*100 Helo transfer from Ready Eddie.
carpenter06.jpg, 100*73 Whomever labeled this picture thought this might be a PT boat.
carpenter07.jpg, 100*71 RM3 Jim Spicer, M2 Fred Plashpohl, RMSN Ron Spilker
carpenter08.jpg, 100*72 RMSN Ron Spilker, OC Division
carpenter09.jpg, 100*71 RMSN Ron Spilker, RM3 DeWayne Gardner, RM2 Walt Chapman, RM2 Fred Plaspohl, RMSA Lance Walin, RM3 Lee Porter.
carpenter10.jpg, 67*100 Unknown
carpenter11.jpg, 100*75 Ship's Picnic, Swiss Club Park, June 6, 1965.
carpenter13.jpg, 100*74

carpenter12.jpg, 100*75
"Welcome aboard" brochure.
carpenter14.jpg, 74*100 Plan of the Day, Wednesday 25, August, 1965
carpenter15.jpg, 82*100 Plan of the Week, 18-24 October, 1965.

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